Service Hours
How to Submit Hours
Create an account on and join the Tri-M group.
Check Your Meeting Absences
When you check your progress on service hours, don't forget to also check your meeting absences. Meeting absences are now recorded below your Service hours. If you have unexcused absences, please fill out a meeting excuse form.
Hours Competition
Each Grade is competing to fulfill their hour requirements first. The Grade with the most total hours wins!
10th Grade: 680
11th Grade: 1185
12th Grade: 875
Service Hours Requirements
20 Hours
Every member is required to complete 20 service hours per year (10 per semester).
Hours must be submitted to the officer team using the Hours Submission Form found above.
All service hours that count toward your total must be music-related.
All hours must be approved before they can count towards your total. Use the Hours Database to check approval status.
AHS Events
At least 1 of your hours must come from an event that the AHS Tri-M Chapter hosts.
You must earn 20 service hours for two years to earn a cord for graduation.